local_mode true chef_repo_path File.expand_path('../' , __FILE__) knife[:ssh_attribute] = "knife_zero.host" knife[:use_sudo] = true ## use specific key file to connect server instead of ssh_agent(use ssh_agent is set true by default). # knife[:identity_file] = "~/.ssh/id_rsa" # knife[:ssh_identity_file] = 'PATH_TO_YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY' # Newer than Chef 14 ## Attributes of node objects will be saved to json file. ## the automatic_attribute_whitelist option limits the attributes to be saved. knife[:automatic_attribute_whitelist] = %w[ fqdn os os_version hostname ipaddress roles recipes ipaddress platform platform_version cloud cloud_v2 chef_packages ] use_policyfile true versioned_cookbooks true policy_document_native_api false chef_server_url "http://localhost:8889" # for `chef push`