35 lines
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35 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euox pipefail
cd /home/mastodon
git clone https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon.git live && cd live
git checkout "$(git tag -l | grep '^v[0-9.]*$' | sort -V | tail -n 1)"
git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"'
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"'
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
echo 'export RAILS_ENV=production'
} | tee -a ~/.bashrc ~/.profile
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
source ~/.profile
git clone https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build
RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS=--with-jemalloc rbenv install
bundle config deployment 'true'
bundle config without 'development test'
bundle install -j"$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)"
yarn install
# Next steps are manual when container is started for the first time
# https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/install/#generating-a-configuration
# If upgrading from a previous image, just need to precompile assets:
# cd live; RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails assets:precompile
# cd /tmp; sudo -u postgres pg_dump -d mastodon_production -F c -f mastodon_production_backup.dump
# incus file pull mastodon/tmp/mastodon_production_backup.dump /tmp/
# incus file push /tmp/mastodon_production_backup.dump mastodon2/tmp/
# incus shell mastodon2
# sudo -u postgres createdb mastodon_production
# sudo -u postgres pg_restore -d mastodon_production -F c /tmp/mastodon_production_backup.dump
# tootctl feeds build